
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Walking through the park again

As part of my education at Drew Theological School this semester, I am taking Global Faiths and the Earth with Dr. Hyo Dong Lee and Dr. Laurel Kearns. An assignment for this class is to journal through ecological experiences which have led to greater reflections on my influence on the earth and other beings who inhabit it.

Week 1

Friday, March 15 at Drew University

I intended to go to work at Judson today and visit at least one of the gardens / parks that I usually see (Washington Square Park, Golden Swan Garden, Minetta Green, or Father DemoSquare), but I was limited by my health issues. I ended up at home for the day, and I observed the natural world through the floor to ceiling window of my apartment on campus. I saw the squirrels who were playing throughout the day, and I saw the deer who were meandering throughout the evening.

Sunday, March 17 in Washington Square Park

I walked through the park after the morning service at Judson Memorial Church where I work, and I was uplifted by the life happening outdoors and the unnaturally-growing but natural world that lives among the tall buildings and abundance of people. I reflected on how I was able to meet with my community freely and in a safe environment which is not guaranteed of all people, as demonstrated by Friday’s mass shootings at two masjids in New Zealand. My heart broke for all of the lives who were affected by these unnecessary deaths.

Week 2

Friday, March 22 in Washington Square Park

I was glad to return to my normal / expected Friday schedule of attending my weekly work meeting and walking through the park afterward. I reflected on my gratitude to work at a church that is understanding and encouraging through my difficulties this year, with a park directly outside that is beautiful.

Saturday, March 23 in Central Park

I took my youth group kids from Judson to Central Park to play Nerf games which was loads of fun. I recognized that this relatively unstructured time where they could create their own games on the spot and be kids without expectations to be anything else was the time when they seemed most joyful. If we had more time together in the future past my employment that ends following this semester, I would love to spend more time with them in natural spaces outdoors. This reminded me that our first activity together was to go to the amusement park at ConeyIsland and our first breakfast gathering included playing in Washington SquarePark; these outside times have caused such happiness and playfulness to emerge.

Week 3

Friday, March 29 in Washington Square Park

As I was leaving work at Judson, I walked through the park on my way to the train. I knew it would be a rainy day which would carry through the weekend, and I was grateful that it was just light enough precipitation that I did not need my umbrella. I enjoy walking through the rain but find it to be bothersome as one who needs to wear glasses to be able to see better, and gratitude flowed through me as I appreciated the rain for its joy and for its life that it sustains by falling to the ground.

Sunday, March 31 in Golden Swan Garden

It was another rainy day, but it did not bother me to have a little light rain. I was happy that I got to wear flipflops the previous evening which is something that I try to do each year before March ends as I usher in the springtime. During my commute home after my walk, I was happy to reflect on how I have only used electronic train tickets this semester which has cut down on the waste of coated paper. I intend to ask a train conductor someday about what happens to the paper markers that designate when a seat’s ticket has been taken, and I hope to find that the paper is recyclable and can reused.

Week 4

Thursday, April 4 in Theo Community Garden

It was great to be in the garden during Open Doors following the opportunity to sit in on the Thursday afternoon section of Global Faiths and the Earth. I was inside for most of the day to meet with prospective and incoming Drew Theological students, so I appreciated the half of an hour to go outside and hear Jen Maidrand talk about what has been planted in the garden. I love watching my friends talk about things they are passionate about, and it was especially impactful hearing about passions that affect other beings and the earth on which we inhabit. I was reminded of the work that was done last summer in the garden with the high school students from Newark who I worked with through Justice Ministry Education, and I have recently talked to faculty who read the students’ journals where they talked about their garden involvement. I know that I still have a lot to learn, but it is fulfilling to know that I am able to use this education to influence others.

Saturday, April 6 in Times Square

Before seeing Chicago the Musical with Alex Carney, Case Akers, and Gelky Arvelo Montes, I was sitting in Times Square while reading extra research for Object Lessons: Liturgy and Life with Rev. Dr. Heather Murray Elkins. A focal point of my calling and my work this semester is on the inclusion of creativity in worship spaces. It felt like such a full circle moment while sitting outside in the cool breeze, reading about artistic liturgy before seeing a Broadway musical. Broadway is what drew me to Drew, and to be able to include this work and love of theatricality in worship performance was a beautiful moment that brought tears to my eyes.

Week 5

Saturday, April 13 in Military Park

I am the Teaching Assistant for the Justice Ministry Education program this spring and summer, and we took our students on a walking tour of Newark led by Have You Met Newark. We toured the city with a focus on arts and justice, and our three miles took us from libraries to art galleries to murals. Our group discussed the eco-injustice of the city that is filled with people living with asthma, and we acknowledged the difficulties of many who live in the city. We ended our tour at Senator Cory Booker’s hometown kickoff rally for his presidential campaign, and he made many references to the Green New Deal and his intent to work on environmentally-related health issues and earth care.

Sunday, April 14 in Washington Square Park

Before the Sunday service at Judson, I took my middle school youth group to the park to play. Afterward, I stayed for final sharing circle of the liturgical series, We are Lent. This was led by my coworkers and friends, Matt Deen and Ali Schuettinger, and the conversation was intended to center on Matt’s particular interest in animality in relation to spirituality. I shared that I am embarrassingly new to the conversation; I have never been an “animal person,” which I always pushed away because of allergies and sensitivities plus a low desire for physical contact with other beings. I am working on confronting this part of my life because I am trying to increase my recognition of non-human life as valued and sacred, and I shared that Global Faiths and the Earth has been extremely influential in my journey this semester. Matt and I also spoke about ecologically-influenced life changes, and I intend to talk to my roommates about our purchases of hand soap and toilet paper which I know can make a great impact on the earth. Later that evening, I walked through campus before the rainstorms that came, and I was in awe of the beauty and the calm joy of the spring weather that is settling around us.

Week 6

Monday, April 15 at Drew University 

I walked through campus many times in the afternoon as I gave tours through the graduate admissions office to incoming students. I always enjoy getting to share about our gorgeous campus and our phenomenal graduate programs, and it was especially wonderful getting to do this on a day with great weather. Although we did not have time on the tours to visit the garden or arboretum, I did make an effort to point out the recycling availability and the option to compost on campus at the garden. I have found in past tours that most people would not think to ask about these options, but they often respond positively and see this as a necessary step in their lives as spiritual leaders. I later saw a rainbow as I drove through Livingston, and I was delighted to remember the story of promises as we wrap up Lent and go into Holy Week.

Friday, April 19 at Asbury Park Boardwalk

After playing guitar at a Good Friday service with my friend and colleague, Andrew LaBar-Dietz, I drove ten minutes to the beach. I had envisioned this as a time to journal and stare whimsically at the ocean, but I did not arrive until after 8:30 p.m. when the sun was down and all had returned to the cold chill that is found in brisk spring evenings. I approached the water timidly, suddenly conscious that I had not visited an ocean in the United States since the month before moving to Drew. I remembered the waters that had rushed around my feet in the past – seas in Turkey during my cross-cultural trip last summer, the Gulf of Mexico during family vacations of my childhood to the Florida panhandle, my one time at the Pacific Ocean when I was in the Los Angeles / Santa Monica are with a friend five years ago. As quickly as I was taken into these memories, I was rushed out of them when the grainy sand and the frozen-feeling water washed over my feet and nearly took away my left flipflop in the tide. I ran back to my car with sandy feet as rain began to lightly sprinkle, and I was reminded of the sacredness of water during this Holy Week.

Week 7

Wednesday, April 24 outside Seminary Hall

For the last few weeks in Object Lessons: Liturgy and Life with Rev. Dr. Heather Murray Elkins, some of the other students and I were trying to convince our professor to go to ZuckArboretum for our final class during which our discussion would focus on trees. Unfortunately, we did not have time to walk to the arboretum in order to return to Seminary Hall by the end of our shortened hybrid class time, but we went outside of the building to the trees that live between Seminary Hall and the main parking lot. Dr. Elkins taught us a hymn written by Mr. Fred Rogers for his son, during which “tree” is repeated twelve times at various tones. We sang this hymn together before hugging trees as our prayer of thanksgiving over our shared meal of foods that make us feel loved. This time of togetherness, interconnectedness, and gratitude concluded the class on the sacredness of ordinary “stuff” (a term for which Dr. Elkins is known to use often) in the most perfect way.

Friday, April 26 in Washington Square Park

After work at Judson Memorial Church, Brendan Fox and I walked through Washington Square Park. I stopped along the way to capture a picture, and he asked if this was my spot for the Global Faiths and the Earth journal. I, of course, said yes to this friend and classmate who has shared a large part in my co-learning this semester. In the course and in life, we have discussed many topics - both educational and personal - that I would not have imagined discussing with him when we met less than two years ago.

As we continued to talk on our walk through the park en route to the subway, I reflected on all that this course and this park have meant to me this year. I took the journaling assignment seriously from the beginning, but I did not realize how much I would look forward to my weekly stops through the park as a practice of centering myself. I knew that I had much to learn about interfaith communication and eco-theological practices, yet I was uncertain how deeply I would take it to heart as I try to make sustainable changes. I was aware of the friends who are already doing great work for climate justice, though I did not have the foresight to how much this class would assist in increasing my respect and admiration for their work.

The reflection followed hearing a friend and coworker at Judson passionately exclaiming his disagreements over serving meat – the flesh of a fellow being – at the shared meal on Easter, which “convicted” me to continue to take my education from this class further in the future. This could sound like it is simply a great way to end the journal or complete the course, but it has seriously influenced how I think about my actions and choices that affect all. I do not eat much meat as is; but, I know I can continue to lower this consumption until my intake of animal byproducts are significantly reduced for my health, lessening emissions output and water usage, farm workers’ rights, and the death of other beings created by God.

I have a responsibility as a religious leader to use my sphere of influence to work toward the well-being of all creatures. If I limit this work to only humanity, I am not only misusing the oppressive “dominion” of which is written in Genesis 1:26-28 NRSV but I am being complicit toward participating in the marginalization and harm of other beings. As said by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Letter from a Birmingham Jail, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” I will continue to strive toward just actions for all because every choice that I make will affect everyone and everything.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Take a walk in the park

This semester, I'm taking a class on interfaith eco-justice work called Global Faiths and the Earth. For the class, my colleagues and I were asked to journal our experiences outside a few times each week.

Week 1

Saturday, January 19 in Foley Square

I was outside at Foley Square in Manhattan for the Women’s Unity Rally. While this was a space that was intentionally full of humans – mostly women – I was able to enjoy the outdoors for three hours. I learned that my endurance for the cold could be sustained despite worries over it beforehand, and I appreciated the comradery that the outdoor space brought to those who were standing in solidarity with me and other students and alum of Drew.

There was very little of the natural world – no grass, few trees, all pavement – in this area near the financial district downtown – but there were birds present. Some people present for the march were intentional about reusing materials for sign-making, with one side of a sign saying that the grease stains should be ignored because that person was reusing a pizza box.

This reminded me of the numerous conversations at Drew about recycling and how the top of pizza boxes have no need to go into the trash.

Sunday, January 20 in Golden Swan Garden

When walking to and from work at Judson Memorial Church, I normally walk around Golden Swan Garden located at West 4th Street and 6th Avenue. I had never thought about it intentionally until Sunday when I decided to walk through it without technology or communication with the digital world. I took more time than usual to inspect the plants and the few non-human creatures outside and visible on such a cold day. The stroll through the park reminded me of the need for green space in the boroughs of New York City.

Judson has been talking for months about taking action against the planned elimination of the Elizabeth Street Garden; I haven’t visited there, but I have seen on maps how it is one of even lesser green spaces than the few which are available in Greenwich Village. These small pockets of the natural world remind me of how I took it for granted that I grew up in rural southern Illinois where farms were abundant and hills rolled for miles and miles on end. I love the city landscape and all of the different cultures that an urban life offers, but I do miss taking off my flipflops in the summer to run through my grandparents’ backyard while playing with my young cousins. I was pulled back to current reality as I exited the park and walked to the subway to return home.

Week 2

Friday, January 25 in Minetta Green

I walked through the park on my way to / after work at Judson Memorial Church. There was more wildlife on this cloudy day than the previous week because I saw squirrels and bugs. As soon as I left, I saw an environmental fundraiser at the edge of the park. She asked for me to donate, and I said that I was just leaving the park for a class on interfaith environmental justice.

Monday, January 28 at Drew University

While working in Graduate Admissions, I gave a tour to a prospective student and walked throughout campus while it was chilly and windy. The walk was split up through stops within buildings on campus, but we spent a majority of the time outside. I shared our campus pride about the abundance of squirrels and other wildlife here at the forest, and I am grateful for getting to study and live here.

Week 3

Wednesday, January 30 at Drew University

There were blizzard-like conditions on campus with a snowstorm. I connected with Elsa from Frozen once again in wondering how this has happened. I had received a text about someone claiming that fossil fuels will never run out, and I was still angered by this text days later in the snowstorm because of the realities of climate change (notably separate from the temporary weather with major fluctuation).

Friday, February 1 in Washington Square Park

I took a walk through the cloudy park while going to Judson, and I noticed the death of leaves, trees, and earth. I chose to metaphorically and emotionally sit in the space of death for now with trust that the time for new life will come. I felt a sense of hope within me during this time which is a somewhat hope-lacking season of life.

Sunday, February 3 in Washington Square Park

I was walking through the park on my way to work, and I was grateful for the brisk morning walk knowing that warmth was in the forecast for the afternoon. I finally decided that my life change for the class would be to buy all of my NJ Transit tickets online to save paper.

I want to do more to change my habits, but I recognize in an overly intense phase of life (three jobs, five to ten meetings or doctor appointments per week, 13.5 credit hours of coursework, a time of difficult health issues), so this is all I can do for now. With my health as a major cause of difficulty in this season of life, I wonder how those who are differently-abled and are not well can contribute negatively to climate change. I recognize the complexities of reusing and recycling resources because of some being unable to change habits such as taking medicine that includes excessive amounts of plastic. I shared an article from The Southern Illinoisan, the largest newspaper in the rural region near my hometown, about the state of recycling participation and education at home on Facebook and Twitter. I was disappointed that there was little to no feedback from family, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues.

Week 4

Tuesday, February 5 at Drew University

I walked through campus between morning meetings and took a little extra time. I waved hello to a classmate when we passed each other, I looked out toward unknown students as they passed for classes and meetings, and I reflected on my gratitude for being at Drew.

Friday, February 8 at Union Theological Seminary

Rather than being at Washington Square Park near Judson Memorial Church as I usually am on Friday afternoons, I was instead at an all-day lecture series uptown at Union.

I was struck by the lack of visible, public green space in my five block walk up Broadway from the subway to the seminary. While in the seminary (which I had previously toured two years ago before falling in love with Drew), I was excited to see their courtyard green space in the middle with hopes that I could enter. I was soon upset when my friend and co-worker told me that he was not allowed to enter the courtyard. I recognized on my walk out of the building that the doors entering the courtyard say that they should not be opened, and I wondered why a place with so little green space would eliminate access to the small amount of non-human life that is available.

Sunday, February 10 in Times Square

After seeing a musical on Sunday night, I was leisurely walking through Times Square. I normally observe the people who are present when I am in midtown, but I took the time to look for plants and trees. I found that the flowerbeds near the TKTS ticket booth / red steps were either dead or removed for winter, and I did not see any trees poking out of the cement. I was struck by the undisrupted chilliness in the air because there were no trees to absorb the cold winds, and I was left with only cement and screens surrounding the human lives present.

Week 5

Friday, February 15 at Golden Swan Garden

As I walked past the garden around 1:45 p.m., I was sad to see that trees were being cut down and the park was closed, though I had hopes that it was only to take off dead branches that would not fall and harm creatures. I returned to walk through the park at about 4:45 p.m., and I was even more distraught to see that the park was still closed with signs that pesticides had been sprayed. Because of conversations at Drew regarding pesticides, I am much more aware of how harmful they are and the effects that they cause.

I was unable to walk through the park; instead, I meditated on the creatures impacted, the lives lost, and the further lack of earthiness in a place of concrete, stone, and pavement.

Sunday, February 17 in Times Square

I walked through Times Square for the second consecutive Sunday while running an unexpected errand, but I reflected on any potential changes and experiences from the past week. I was not caught by any natural life, and I was rather disappointed that a place of such creativity and artistry lacks the original artwork of creation.

Week 6

Friday, February 22 at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah

Rather than going to Judson for my usual Friday meetings, I went to Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in midtown. CBST prides itself on being known as the “gay synagogue,” and their nearly three year old building was created with green and inclusive intentions. Although I did not get to spend as much time outside as I would on my usual commute, I was able to put my interfaith experience into practical action by engaging in discussions on texts regarding immigration from the Hebrew Bible and Christian Testament.

This was especially fitting in the week of class covering Judaism, and I was grateful to have the cultural sensitivity to know how to dialogue with people who have a different way of making meaning but a like-minded call to social action.

Sunday, February 24 in Washington Square Park

I walked through the park before and after church, and it was a literal breath of fresh air. I was nervous about Judson that day because I was performing the liturgical readings in the morning.

Plus, I was not feeling well due to undiagnosed chronic health issues I am experiencing and anxiety over the decisions being made at the UMC General Conference. The walks through the park gave a sense of reassurance that I would be all right and was doing ok. The trees, the animals, the humans, and the creative architecture were a divine source of solace on a day filled with difficulties.


May we often take time for reflection in the natural world to bring a breath of fresh air.

What practices do you have in your daily life to reflect on creation and speak with people who hold ideologies that are different from your own?

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2018 in Review

For the past several years, I have written a review of the previous year. It often includes my favorite music, books, and performances of the year as well as a promise to myself to write more. In 2018, I accomplished part of that promise. I listened to less, I read more (mostly for school), I saw less shows, and I published significantly more pieces. From September 2017 - July 2018, I published at least one post per month on this amateur blog, and I'm rather proud of tackling that on top of a busy schedule.

I did a set of year in review posts on Instagram which I did in real time and are shared below (scroll down if you're looking for the pictures), but I have a few pieces of Wow That Was Different to share:

-Excluding books assigned for my Master of Divinity program, I only finished five books. Unfinished from 2018, I have one creativity prompt book (52 Lists), two non-fictions (Reading People by Anne Bogel and Inspired by Rachel Held Evans), one non-fiction audiobook (Girl Walks into a Bar by Rachel Dratch), and one fiction (Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn). And I'm pretty ok with that. I intend to finish each of these in time, but I am not rushing myself...clearly.

I did zero launch teams for non-fiction books which feels weird in comparison to previous years. I knew I would have significantly less time to devote to promoting a book, and I didn't want to not give the author full credit for their work and their trust in me. 

Well, ok, an addendum: I was kind of on launch teams for Inspired by RHE and The Very Worst Missionary by Jamie Wright, but I had to pay for each of the books, so... I did post about both when they were released, and I finished one of them which feels like a *good enough* for now.

-I didn't listen to much music in 2018. When I asked my friends reflective questions on New Year's Eve (they answered because they are such. good. people.) and we got to a question about music of the year, I think I said I listened to Once on this Island's New Broadway Cast Recording. Honorable mentions go to Waitress and Sponge Bob (who knew it would be so good?) with Hamilton and a few other cast recordings thrown in. I've been into Amazon Music lately, so if it's not available there, I'm probably not listening to it.

-I was shocked and disappointed when I was working on my culmination of theatre to see that I only saw four shows this past year. To some, that would be more than enough, but it's significantly less than the 20-25 per year that I used to see. Granted, the four that I saw were all fantastic Broadway musicals, but it was still different. Bonus: I saw an amateur local production of Five Guys Named Moe with a friend and his wife, and it was so good to be surrounded by people who love local theatre once again.

I also participated in a summer internship program during which I worked with high school students in a theatre program on campus. I attended a dance class with them one day (I was terribly unprepared and out of focus), I ran lines with them, and I led the activities with the small group of students who stayed on campus for the duration of their program. The students performed at the end of their program, and that may be one of my favorite performances of the year.


My #2018BestNine was great, but it's not necessarily indicative of the year I've had.

(I probably post too many cute throwbacks of my sister and others to have an accurate highlight reel.)


Let's do a countdown...

#9 - Friends came to see me 💕 

I was so happy for friends who traveled just to see me, some who made me a stop along the way, and some who made time for me among other plans. I know that I'm the one who chose in 2017 to move nearly 1,000 miles away from most of the people I love, so it felt extra special for friends to visit me.


#8 - Filming Riding in Cars with Theo Students with Brinna 📷

What started out as a class project turned into loads of fun with numerous ideas for future episodes. We submitted our first season for a grade, and we filmed a second season for fun (which I still haven't taken time to edit and upload). Whether or not we continue, this fusion of media and Christianity was an enjoyable source of creativity in my life this year. I couldn't have completed it without Brinna: my co-host, roommate, and friend.


#7 - Throwbacks with Heather 😍

My actual Best Nine included my sister who is kind of my favorite. Her Mean Girls costume for last school year's Homecoming was one of my favorite things we did together in 2018. The throwbacks are an added bonus because she is such a cool kid.


#6 - Roadtrips with friends 🚗
In comparison to some years, my travel was rather low. But, these huge moments make up for the lack of mileage. Brinna, Olivia, and I went to the Museum of the Bible in DC in March. We went in with amusement and left with confusion. In July, I spent my birthday weekend at Wild Goose Festival in NC with Olivia, Scott, and Dean Tanya. It started with a wacky plane ride, included walking many miles each day and seeing friends (and authors I admire), and ended with an unexpected roadtrip. I can't recall another time in my life when I've had such uniquely strange experiences in such a short amount of time (Amy Grant? Book signings? 25th birthday? Only 1.5/3 were planned), so WGF and Drew get the credit for those adventures.


#5 - Turkey trot 🦃

In the category of unexpected parts of my life, I went to Turkey for two weeks over the summer! It was so surreal being in Europe and Asia, and I adored exploring the cities of this fascinating country with rapid modernization and a long history of empire. I loved hearing from feminist groups and observing worship spaces different than those with which I am familiar, and the people I was with made the trip enjoyable.


#4 - Internship at Judson ⛪

I didn't know where I wanted to work for my supervised ministry internship, but I'm so glad I landed at Judson Memorial Church. I started loving the church for its focus on arts and justice, and now I love the church for its people and their passion. I doubt there would be many other internships where I could be in a dance party at a weekend retreat, talk about the unjust politics of migration and gentrification, dress up for Halloween with the entire congregation, and be part of an amazing group of Community Ministers. For those pictured or not, I am thankful.


#3 - Letting my voice be heard 📣
I used to think I shouldn't stand against things because I should always stand for love, but now I believe that standing in solidarity against injustice and forces of evil are the ways I am led to work toward prophetic peace and liberation. I participated in my first march for women's rights in January which was amazing, and I was later part of two demonstrations for migration, one rally for gun reform / school safety, and one peace walk with art. Pray with your feet.


#2 - On Broadwayyy 🎭
I could see every show on Broadway, and it would never be enough. I only made it to four shows this year: Wicked #8, Sponge Bob, Anastasia, and Waitress #2. Those four were enough to keep my flame for creativity and curiosity alive, though I hope the number of shows increases in 2019. There will always be room in my schedule for more musical theatre.


#1 - Drew student events 💙💚


I love this place and all of the opportunities presented to me. As the communications officer of the Theological Student Association, I co-led a worship service each semester which I absolutely loved. I adapted Beer & Hymns from Wild Goose and made it into a Drew event where I played guitar one time and keys another time. I impersonated three people who I respect and received life-giving laughter. I drove a golf cart (which was on my Drew bucket list) and made countless professional connections. My life basically revolves around my education and my current / future vocation at this point in my life, and it has been absolutely rewarding in 2018. It will surely continue through #2019Forward, and I am unbelievably excited for the future.


I chose #2018Persist in a time when I needed to remind myself to keep going and to not give up on the big road ahead of me. As I'm at the midway point of many pieces of my seminary career (my degree program, internship, and student government commitment), I have no choice but to continue: #2019Forward. 

Going forward isn't always easy. I have numerous times when I feel like going back would be easier rather than forging ahead toward an unknown future, but that wouldn't be right for me ethically or for me with my calling.

A few things may change going forward. I noticed that I had little to no time to write in the fall of 2018, so I expect much less of myself for my writing page and for sharing content. I expect more from myself in posting true reflections or thoughts rather than quippy posts that I know can get a lot of likes for the 'gram.  I strive for more theatre, more creativity, more playing my guitar and keyboard, more making whatever whenever instead of putting it off. I work toward more good and less negative, toward more honesty and less expectations. I aim for being the good.

Cheers fueled by courage and love for all that will happen in 2019!