
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2018 in Review

For the past several years, I have written a review of the previous year. It often includes my favorite music, books, and performances of the year as well as a promise to myself to write more. In 2018, I accomplished part of that promise. I listened to less, I read more (mostly for school), I saw less shows, and I published significantly more pieces. From September 2017 - July 2018, I published at least one post per month on this amateur blog, and I'm rather proud of tackling that on top of a busy schedule.

I did a set of year in review posts on Instagram which I did in real time and are shared below (scroll down if you're looking for the pictures), but I have a few pieces of Wow That Was Different to share:

-Excluding books assigned for my Master of Divinity program, I only finished five books. Unfinished from 2018, I have one creativity prompt book (52 Lists), two non-fictions (Reading People by Anne Bogel and Inspired by Rachel Held Evans), one non-fiction audiobook (Girl Walks into a Bar by Rachel Dratch), and one fiction (Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn). And I'm pretty ok with that. I intend to finish each of these in time, but I am not rushing myself...clearly.

I did zero launch teams for non-fiction books which feels weird in comparison to previous years. I knew I would have significantly less time to devote to promoting a book, and I didn't want to not give the author full credit for their work and their trust in me. 

Well, ok, an addendum: I was kind of on launch teams for Inspired by RHE and The Very Worst Missionary by Jamie Wright, but I had to pay for each of the books, so... I did post about both when they were released, and I finished one of them which feels like a *good enough* for now.

-I didn't listen to much music in 2018. When I asked my friends reflective questions on New Year's Eve (they answered because they are such. good. people.) and we got to a question about music of the year, I think I said I listened to Once on this Island's New Broadway Cast Recording. Honorable mentions go to Waitress and Sponge Bob (who knew it would be so good?) with Hamilton and a few other cast recordings thrown in. I've been into Amazon Music lately, so if it's not available there, I'm probably not listening to it.

-I was shocked and disappointed when I was working on my culmination of theatre to see that I only saw four shows this past year. To some, that would be more than enough, but it's significantly less than the 20-25 per year that I used to see. Granted, the four that I saw were all fantastic Broadway musicals, but it was still different. Bonus: I saw an amateur local production of Five Guys Named Moe with a friend and his wife, and it was so good to be surrounded by people who love local theatre once again.

I also participated in a summer internship program during which I worked with high school students in a theatre program on campus. I attended a dance class with them one day (I was terribly unprepared and out of focus), I ran lines with them, and I led the activities with the small group of students who stayed on campus for the duration of their program. The students performed at the end of their program, and that may be one of my favorite performances of the year.


My #2018BestNine was great, but it's not necessarily indicative of the year I've had.

(I probably post too many cute throwbacks of my sister and others to have an accurate highlight reel.)


Let's do a countdown...

#9 - Friends came to see me 💕 

I was so happy for friends who traveled just to see me, some who made me a stop along the way, and some who made time for me among other plans. I know that I'm the one who chose in 2017 to move nearly 1,000 miles away from most of the people I love, so it felt extra special for friends to visit me.


#8 - Filming Riding in Cars with Theo Students with Brinna 📷

What started out as a class project turned into loads of fun with numerous ideas for future episodes. We submitted our first season for a grade, and we filmed a second season for fun (which I still haven't taken time to edit and upload). Whether or not we continue, this fusion of media and Christianity was an enjoyable source of creativity in my life this year. I couldn't have completed it without Brinna: my co-host, roommate, and friend.


#7 - Throwbacks with Heather 😍

My actual Best Nine included my sister who is kind of my favorite. Her Mean Girls costume for last school year's Homecoming was one of my favorite things we did together in 2018. The throwbacks are an added bonus because she is such a cool kid.


#6 - Roadtrips with friends 🚗
In comparison to some years, my travel was rather low. But, these huge moments make up for the lack of mileage. Brinna, Olivia, and I went to the Museum of the Bible in DC in March. We went in with amusement and left with confusion. In July, I spent my birthday weekend at Wild Goose Festival in NC with Olivia, Scott, and Dean Tanya. It started with a wacky plane ride, included walking many miles each day and seeing friends (and authors I admire), and ended with an unexpected roadtrip. I can't recall another time in my life when I've had such uniquely strange experiences in such a short amount of time (Amy Grant? Book signings? 25th birthday? Only 1.5/3 were planned), so WGF and Drew get the credit for those adventures.


#5 - Turkey trot 🦃

In the category of unexpected parts of my life, I went to Turkey for two weeks over the summer! It was so surreal being in Europe and Asia, and I adored exploring the cities of this fascinating country with rapid modernization and a long history of empire. I loved hearing from feminist groups and observing worship spaces different than those with which I am familiar, and the people I was with made the trip enjoyable.


#4 - Internship at Judson ⛪

I didn't know where I wanted to work for my supervised ministry internship, but I'm so glad I landed at Judson Memorial Church. I started loving the church for its focus on arts and justice, and now I love the church for its people and their passion. I doubt there would be many other internships where I could be in a dance party at a weekend retreat, talk about the unjust politics of migration and gentrification, dress up for Halloween with the entire congregation, and be part of an amazing group of Community Ministers. For those pictured or not, I am thankful.


#3 - Letting my voice be heard 📣
I used to think I shouldn't stand against things because I should always stand for love, but now I believe that standing in solidarity against injustice and forces of evil are the ways I am led to work toward prophetic peace and liberation. I participated in my first march for women's rights in January which was amazing, and I was later part of two demonstrations for migration, one rally for gun reform / school safety, and one peace walk with art. Pray with your feet.


#2 - On Broadwayyy 🎭
I could see every show on Broadway, and it would never be enough. I only made it to four shows this year: Wicked #8, Sponge Bob, Anastasia, and Waitress #2. Those four were enough to keep my flame for creativity and curiosity alive, though I hope the number of shows increases in 2019. There will always be room in my schedule for more musical theatre.


#1 - Drew student events 💙💚


I love this place and all of the opportunities presented to me. As the communications officer of the Theological Student Association, I co-led a worship service each semester which I absolutely loved. I adapted Beer & Hymns from Wild Goose and made it into a Drew event where I played guitar one time and keys another time. I impersonated three people who I respect and received life-giving laughter. I drove a golf cart (which was on my Drew bucket list) and made countless professional connections. My life basically revolves around my education and my current / future vocation at this point in my life, and it has been absolutely rewarding in 2018. It will surely continue through #2019Forward, and I am unbelievably excited for the future.


I chose #2018Persist in a time when I needed to remind myself to keep going and to not give up on the big road ahead of me. As I'm at the midway point of many pieces of my seminary career (my degree program, internship, and student government commitment), I have no choice but to continue: #2019Forward. 

Going forward isn't always easy. I have numerous times when I feel like going back would be easier rather than forging ahead toward an unknown future, but that wouldn't be right for me ethically or for me with my calling.

A few things may change going forward. I noticed that I had little to no time to write in the fall of 2018, so I expect much less of myself for my writing page and for sharing content. I expect more from myself in posting true reflections or thoughts rather than quippy posts that I know can get a lot of likes for the 'gram.  I strive for more theatre, more creativity, more playing my guitar and keyboard, more making whatever whenever instead of putting it off. I work toward more good and less negative, toward more honesty and less expectations. I aim for being the good.

Cheers fueled by courage and love for all that will happen in 2019!