
Friday, March 6, 2015

Book Review: Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I admit that I am a huge John Green fangirl. Nerdfighter and all that stuff (except that I can never remember to watch his YouTube videos but, like, I love his books).

After reading John's four solo novels, I decided it was time to buy his books that he co-wrote. I recently read Will Grayson, Will Grayson in two days, so I obviously loved it.  John's co-writing with David Levithan threw me off my game a little, but I started to love it.

The chapters alternate with the first written from normal-ish Will Grayson's perspective, and the second is written from emo Will Grayson's perspective. A few chapters in, they meet, and life changes. It's not a drastic life change that forever makes them different, but it definitely alters their short-term plans.

I say read it because 1) John Green, 2) quote-able, and 3) wouldn't it be awesome to meet someone who has the same name as you? It's basically impossible for me to do that because my name is weird, but one can hope.

PS - I tried to upload a picture of me with the book to be ~artsy~ but my internet or something is being dumb.

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