
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jokes and reading and more jokes and more reading

Today begins week four of classes at seminary. Good news: I no longer feel like vomiting or hyperventilating when I say that I'm in theological school. Bad news: I finish a week of my studies and get a break from reading for about four seconds, and then the next week of classes begins. Good news: I love reading. Bad news: It never ends.

The cycles of unending reading are broken up by classes and chapel services on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays as well as spending time with friends and attending church on the weekends. I have some great professors (and I could write #fangirlyourfriends posts about all of them and those who I don't even have this semester!), and they say some funny things.

Rather than a serious post, here's a collection of funny pull-out quotes from professors:

1) I have a professor who begins each class period with a devotional reflection time. She got to class one day and said, "Does anybody have a Bible in here? It's Jesus school, and I forgot mine." I think only the TA had a Bible because the rest of us pulled out our phones. :)

2) My pastoral formation class is very informal and experience-oriented. We were discussing boundaries, and my professor said, "Sometimes, you have to set up boundaries as a religious leader. I had to change grocery stores because I would get stopped six times in the produce section, and I just wanted my apples!" Humorous in the moment (and boundaries are for real, so it has life applicability, too).

3) One professor was beginning class by saying, "We're going to start by..." when a student's phone GPS randomly turned on and said, "Go to the left." The professor included it in her opening and said, "We could start by going to the left, but I'm already pretty far there, so I'm not sure I could go any further." Her statement caused a good laugh for an early morning before a full day of class.

4) I have a professor who likes to make wordplay jokes. THESE ARE DIRECT WAYS TO KNOW HOW MY BRAIN AND MY HEART FUNCTION. I was literally laughing out loud today in class and had trouble controlling myself because I think he is absolutely hilarious. The joke that caused uncontrollable laughter: "You could find that on Google or Bing...Bing..They pay me to say that. I always mess it up with Bling." Gosh, so funny in the moment. I'm a mess who can't stop laughing at theoretically sponsored search-engine jokes. Bring me to your next comedy stand-up night because you'll have at least one audience member who laughs at the bad jokes. You're welcome. 

5) Same prof. Same puns. "You already have the tree and the roots. Now, you're adding truncation. It's not what you take with you on vacation."

6) One last one. Because we're at theo school and we like jokes. "Catalogs are often like the trinity. There are mysteries, but Augustine did not write on them [catalogs]."

You could say I'm having a good time. You could also say that I didn't leave my apartment for 28 hours (after only being gone for half an hour) because I'm reading constantly. Both statements are equally true.

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