
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy 2013!

Oops, this is delayed. And as I write this, I think it should be noted that I'm supposed to be writing two journalism stories. Yolo. (Btw, I say that meaning oh well or no big deal, not saying it in the way of doing something stupid because I only have one life...just to clarify.)

Yea, it's been a while. Time to catch up. Not really. I will attempt to focus.

Heyyyy, it's a new year. I really tried to think of great resolutions.  I've pondered it quite a lot, and I have nothing too deep. Of course, there are the personal reminders that I can always take time to be healthier or grow closer to God, but - not to discredit those in anyway - those aren't my focus of the year.

Instead, I have a seemingly silly list of things to accomplish within this year. Lehgo...

1) I would like to watch all of my movies within the next year.
I probably own 75 movies, but I watch less than 20, and I feel like I'm wasting them by letting them sit.
2) I want to blog and work out at least once per month, but obviously not at the same time.
Oops, I already failed. So, I'll make up for it by blogging and working out twice this month...or I will wait until December and do both of them 12 times. Jk, I'll try to be consistent and bump those up to more than once a month if I can fight the laziness.
3) I would like to wear a bikini and not feel self-conscious.
Don't judge me. I don't want to do this to show off my body or because I want attention from guys. I want to do it to show confidence. I currently don't have the confidence to do it. I'm not sure how to find the belief in myself to be ok with it by the end of the year, but I'm determined to do so.  I want to be able to walk in front of people at the beach or on the way to a pool and not feel like the entire world (or the x number of people around me) are judging me and going to talk about me to their friends. I want to feel like it's just another outfit.
4) I want to find a new place to live in July where I'm happy and free.
I really don't have a choice on a part of this one. My lease ends in July, and I'll be forced to move. No big deal. But, I currently don't know where I'm going to live.  I have a few ideas in my mind, but nothing is really saying, "Hey, Kirsten, live here!" like my current apartment complex screamed to me when I toured it. God will provide.
5) I want to work toward life goals.
These goals could change, and that's ok, though I know that some will always remain. Here's the current list: 1) Grow spiritually.  2) Keep my very close friends close to me and appreciate their friendship. 3) Work on a friendship with someone in particular and attempt to make it grow to the best of my ability. 4) Be happy. Do what makes me happy and not what anyone thinks I should do, even if it's one of the very close friends. Live life, whether that means moving to Chicago to go to my dream school or eating Mint Oreos everyday because they're freaking delicious. 5) Even if I go nowhere with my theatrical dreams, always try to pay it forward with kids who may not have any other performing outlet.

So, are these really resolutions? Maybe random goals? Maybe things to try to get me to where I want to be in life?

Idk. I only know that they have been swarming around in my mind and buzzing me constantly to let it out. Here I go. I shall try to fulfill my list.

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