
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Next Biblical Post

I don't always read the Bible, I don't pray as often as I should, and I fail sometimes, but I'm trying.  Some people don't even try, and it amazes and saddens me at the same time.

While reading the Bible just now, I thought about heaven.  I imagine it to be like the happiest times, so I imagined it at B-Dubs during musical after-parties (without the alcohol because I really don't think that's in heaven).  I imagined the coolest people ever, the best food (I know we don't need food in heaven, but why not have some boneless wings and sweet tea?), the greatest atmosphere, and everything happy and heavenly...obviously.  But, then I realized that people will be missing.  There are people who are close to me, or used to be, who will be missing from the party.  And after it is too late, I can't extend a late invitation and say, "Oops, I forgot to invite you earlier. You should join us now."  It will be too late.  There is an expiration date, and it's approaching, whether on December 21st when the Mayan calendar ends / zombie apocalypse happens or when I die when I'm 95.  I'm obviously adding in somewhat of a joke at the end, peeps.

I don't want my friends to be missing.  I want everyone to be there.  Everyone has a choice, of course, but am I doing enough to try to persuade them to get the acceptance to the party?  Am I doing as much as possible to make sure I'm always on the list, or do I almost waver into the area of not so sure sometimes? The answers are that I'm failing.

At the beginning of my high school career, I was set on making everyone in the school a Christian.  As I later realized, I can't make anyone do that.  It's a choice, and I can't force it on everyone...and forcing it is definitely counter-productive.  But, when I realized the counter-productivity, I gave up.  I focused my energies into other things rather than on attempting to lead others to Christ.  Yea, I post things on Facebook and Twitter occasionally that are Bible verses or quotes from Christian songs with hopes of inspiring others to follow God, but I'm not actively ministering to others.  It's the work of all believers, not just the pastors and people at the top of the lay people social food chain.

I need to take a better approach.  I need to stand up for my beliefs (in more ways than simply saying I'm a Christian), and I need to reach out to others.  I have great opportunities to do this on campus and with my friends in both real life and those who I know in real life but only get to interact with on social networking sites.  I pray that God will give me the direction on how to do this because I am at a loss of ways, though I'm sure that He will show me in time.

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