
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Procrastinating Values

I find it interesting that because I am so vehemently against one political candidate and yet so passionately for gender equality that it is assumed that I must be voting for a female candidate, particularly the one from the binary party selections.

Lol no.

I think the two party system is ridiculous (but I could be wrong). I think the electoral college is completely unnecessary (but I could be wrong). I think voting for either of the two main candidates will not make you lose your salvation. I think it's wickedly cool that we have so many third party candidates from which to choose and cast a vote.

Many people have asked for whom I intend to vote (as if my private decision is one that I must proclaim publicly). Honestly, I have no idea. I know we are three days from the election. I should know this, but I procrastinate at times.

Will I vote for one of the top two candidates? No. Am I wasting my vote by selecting a candidate who is lesser known? Absolutely not. Do I recognize that Illinois is a state that has such a long history of having a majority of votes cast to the presidential candidate from the democrat party, thus causing any non-democrat vote to be essentially useless (due to the aforementioned unnecessary electoral college)? Yes.

But, do I intend to continue to research for a candidate who most closely aligns to my values, my opinions, my consciousness, my convictions, and my Jesus? Completely.

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