
Friday, December 15, 2017

Super important things I learned (or some jokes to procrastinate)

I'm going back to Illinois in a few days for winter break, and I am so excited! I absolutely love everything in New Jersey. But, I'm really looking forward to seeing my people, being lazy, and not thinking that 56 chapters in the Hebrew Bible is a light reading week. (Can you tell that I'm exhausted?)

I have one assignment remaining before I go. Just one. And I'm not sure that I have the stamina to complete it because life just feels like a dumpster fire until I can finish it.

(It took way too many tries for me to get this into the blog.) (My tech skills are lacking when it comes to this piece of the internet.) (I'll just keep making excuses until I figure out how to link it correctly.)

Anyway, with my semester coming to a close and my procrastination at an all time high while I dramatically put off this final assignment, I would love to share some super important (read: very much trivial) things I learned this semester.


1. An undergrad degree in mass communication is worthwhile! I can make memes to share with friends! I make funny memes of things that friends say and serious memes of inspiring words from professors and pointless memes about finals and acquaintances and such. I'm obviously very productive.

2. I still don't cook. Yay for me! I make pasta quite rarely, and I made some baked goods for church one time. The microwave and I have a bond, and it is #truelove. Cooking is not a skill that I foresee acquiring in the near future.

3. Laundry day is relative. I mean, it should happen weekly. Or every two weeks. But, really, it happens when I run out of clean socks or jeans. Note to self: buy more socks so I can try to make it three weeks without doing laundry. Don't say I haven't made goals for next semester.

4. It's fun to make new friends! Who knew?! I was so terrified upon moving that I would not make any friends and I would be alone to watch TLC or Disney Channel constantly like I did in undergrad. NOPE. I have a community of great people around me. In the townhouse with the largest community space, everyone is here all of the time (like last night when my roommates and I hosted Friendstivus) which is so fun.

5. Cafeteria food is deemed worthy of a recommendation if it is "kind of good." How was the pasta? Eh. How was the rice? Dry. How was the chicken pot pie? Um...kind of good. Let's be honest, the food at catered university events is great, and the food at the food court is mostly all friend. But, the Commons where there is a cafeteria? It's...cafeteria food.

6. I can be as weird as I want, and no one minds. Seriously. It's not exactly typical for anyone at any life stage to go to theological school, so we are all a bunch of weirdos wandering around until we figure out what's next. And I really love it.


I promise that I have learned actual theological ideas and biblical understandings this semester, but my brain is so full that I can't handle another moment of it (except, you know, I will finish this last assignment...hopefully). If I see you in Illinois within the next few weeks, it's totally great to ask how school is. I would love to talk about it, but don't expect too much intense insight because the brain of a learning religious leader is going to be on vacation.

(I think I linked this one correctly. I'm a work in progress...and hopefully not melting away like Olaf.)

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