
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post 1: Hope and Happiness

Until further notice, I will probably be titling my blogs by number because I really suck at creating titles. Honestly, I do.  Ask any English or journalism teacher who I have ever had.  They'll be legit sources.

Since moving, I've noticed that even if I text, FB, tweet, and IG my friends the same as I did when I lived near them, not talking to them in person regularly really brings me down.  It's difficult; as much as I like to tell people that IDLP, I really do like some people and wish to be around them.

Of course, I have huge dreams about becoming famous through my blog or YouTube videos or something like that. I know: not gonna happen. But I can have silly dreams, right? Right.

So, with all of these thoughts running through my head for the past month and a half since I moved, I have been wanting to blog. I don't know why tonight's the night to begin it, but here it goes.


We all have it, or at least we should.  We definitely all need it.  And, yes, I have hope in Jesus Christ.  Always.  But we need smaller goals to keep us going, too.  Without knowing what I really want to do with my life, I feel like I'm at a loss of hope.  It seems like nothing inspires me anymore.  I feel like I have a lack of purpose.  I still have friends, responsibilities, etc., but life doesn't excite me anymore when speaking about it generally.

Until, Disney College Program. Entirely....freakin'...excited!

I really can't contain my excitement.  If you need verification on this, check out my Facebook...and Twitter...and Instagram....because I really like to talk about it.  Disney has always represented something magical to me, just as it rightfully should.  And, if all goes well, I may get to work for that magical place next fall and make others feel magical on a daily basis.  Isn't that amazing?  I get to make people happy which is something that I truly love.  In journalism, I don't think that I have ever made anyone extremely happy, and that's a very difficult, sad fact to accept.

Disney could make my life change.  I could become happy full-time and live in the moment and be ecstatic...but what if that only lasts from August to December of next year?  What if I get down there and dislike some aspect of it so much that the disliked part overpowers everything else?  What if I'm not accepted? Or, what if I talk myself out of it before I go to FL?

I really talk myself out of a lot of this post.  It was going to be happy, but - boom! It became sad....probably  because I need some sort of extreme hope and happiness in my life that I'm not finding now.

An easy suggestion could be to switch back to education, get involved in theatre, or do something else that I used to enjoy, but I really don't know if that's "me" or my purpose anymore.  See? Lack of purpose.

So, I need hope and happiness. I'll be striving for it.

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