
Monday, October 8, 2012

Post 7: "Postponing"

"What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?"

Sometimes I feel like the voice in my head asks me that.  Yes, with the really lame voice from ND and as Napoleon. . . . because in my mind, I might not actually be Kirsten.  Just kidding.

For real, I really don't know sometimes or plans change.  For example, I had planned to hang out with my cousins today - ergh, yesterday - and come back to my apartment and study.  What really happened is that I couldn't play with my cousins because they were taking naps and then when I got back to the G, I took a three hour nap.  Fail, right? Well, not normally, but I have midterms in less than 10 hours, and I haven't studied for either of them.  That is definitely a fail.  I really should be doing that instead of writing down my thoughts, but this could maybe be productive.  We shall see.

Plans.  Changes.  So crazy.  I don't really know if I should ever make plans anymore because they always change.  Isn't that silly? My high school self would hate my university student self.  In high school, I planned out everything in five minute increments.  I am not kidding.  For the most part, I stuck with it.  Now, I'm like, ehh, I should do laundry today, but I don't actually need to do it for a few more days, so it can wait.  Studying for midterms can wait.  Cleaning my apartment can wait.  Everything can wait.  So, while I'm postponing things (that sounds soo much better than procrastinating...icky word), what do I spend my time doing?  Normally, the answers are sleeping or Facebook / Tweeting / Instagramming.  You can be jealous of my immensely exciting life . . . except that it's not that exciting.

I don't know why I put off so many things.  It's become a habit, I suppose.  No, no supposing; it's a major habit.  I need to break it very soon (or somehow erase it for forever), but procrastinating is so much fun...that is, until the next morning when I wake up late, shower and get out my apartment so quickly that my hair is still wet and I only have on minimal makeup, and I look like crap.  But these are the days that I'll remember, right? Right. Left. Eh, Idk.  This is rather pointless, but these are just some thoughts in my hand as I "postpone" some more.

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