
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post 3: Driving Fails and Such

I get lost a lot....while driving, that is.  Life, eh, that's another story.

I really don't know the city that I live in very well, so if I get off the routes that I know and I don't have any time limitations, I let my driving take me somewhere until I find my way or I realize that I'm honestly clueless.  This "honestly clueless" (I like quoting myself...) thing has actually only happened once.  I'm happy to say that.

But getting lost and finding my way?  That's happened a lot.  This could be symbolic.  Let's hope it is. ;)

When I'm lost, I really trust that I'll find my way eventually.  I don't know what it is that causes me to feel like I'll figure it out, but there's something. Maybe Jesus. He's quite awesome.

As time passes, I'm learning my way a little better.  For example, I turned on a different street to go to the place where I rent movies, and I found the rental facility rather easily.  After leaving the rental facility a few days later, I turned a different way than I had been going, and I found a shortcut. 

Also, when I leave my bank, I can either cross three lanes of traffic and endure many left turns to return the way I came, or I can turn right and wander.  I definitely prefer the latter option.  So, through my wandering, I knew I would make it back to my apartment eventually, and I did.  I have every time.  It's really quite joyous when I see the name of my street because I feel like it's congratulating me on making it back.

How much more of an animated mind can I have than to have a street sign congratulate me on finding it? Haha

So, for now, in life and while driving (except I'm not actually driving at this exact moment), I'll keep wandering.  I'll find the path....eventually....I'm just stuck in a long detour at the moment.


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