
Monday, October 29, 2012

Bucket List

Bucket List. ....which my fingers like to type as Buckey List....dumb...

I'm sure that most people have seen the movie with the two famous people whose names I can't remember. My bad, Mr. Famous Guys.

I've decided to make a bucket list. As far as I know, I don't have cancer nor anything else that would cause the need to make a list of things to do before I die, but I'm doing it anyway.  Bree (my roommate / best friend) and I made a bucket list a few weeks ago of things that we want to do while we live in Cape. After midterms were over, we realized that our time in college is limited and we have many things to do, so we're trying to do one thing each week.  It's a bit difficult now (and for the next few months) because there are not a lot of wintery activities on the list, but that's ok.  We're going to complete it, culminating in a 3-day trip (because that's all that we can afford...if we save our money like cray-cray) to Chicago. Woot!

Tonight, I was talking to a friend on Twitter, and I said that Chicago (the musical, not the city this time...sorry for any confusion, mis amigos) is on my list of musicals to see.  Then, I realized that I don't actually have a list, so I made one.

Then, I decided that there's no need to stop the list-making because who doesn't love lists?! Well, I assume that some people probably don't, but my friends and I like making them, so I continued the trend of the night by making a full-life bucket list.

I'm positive that I will continue to add to the list often, and I'll probably think of most things while sitting in class and feeling bored.

Some of the things are simple and known to happen such as earning my Bachelor's degree. If all goes as planned, I'll have that on December 21, 2013. Yes, I looked up the exact date a few hours ago.

Other things seemed simple when I was younger, but now they might not be; example: getting married. I'm not going to dwell on the subject, but I assume that a majority of others my age without a boyfriend can easily feel #foreveralone.  So, I hope to change that someday when God sends the perfect guy into my life who will have a relationship with me that is centered on Christ.

Another thing on the list is to perform at SCC again. This may seem dumb, trivial, stupid, whatever, but I love SCC and the Ed Center stage, and I would love to perform there again. It's going to happen. Just wait. (Plans are in my head but not yet released to the public. :P)

So, there you have it.  Others on the list are traveling things, silly things like blogging daily for a month, or going to Disney World with friends.  Visiting all 50 states and places in Europe and Australia are obviously on the list.  Ya know, the life things that I want to do.

Therefore, my dear readers who I don't know, I encourage you to make a bucket list, or a buckey list as I accidentally keep typing it.

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